Month: November 2017

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Why Stainless Steel Should be Your Kitchen Work Foundation

Why stainless steel for hotel equipment Cyprus kitchen work areas, furniture, workspaces and carts? Plastic is so much cheaper, wood had a vintage feel to it, and hybrids can provide plenty of performance as well as decor and style. The simple fact remains, however, that stainless steel is the safest, easiest to clean, and most […]

Reversing the Effect of Time on Your Tableware

One of the more common issues that creep up on a restaurant or hotel that focuses on ensuring image and quality are kept top notch, is time. Regardless of investment, over time even the best of equipment, tableware, and plateware begin to look dated. And when that happens, it begins to detract from the image of […]

The Features That Make a Restaurant Stand Out

There is a saying that “the suit makes the man.” In the food servicing and dining industry it is the fine dining equipment that makes the restaurant, assuming the food it is top notch and the highest quality. However, despite the fact that restaurant equipment Cyprus resources are probably the most controllable and problem-preventable factor […]